Portal:Physics/Did you know
Did you know 1

- ... that, in the Large Hadron Collider, protons move at 99.9999991% the speed of light when accelerated with the energy of 7 TeV?
- ... that, at a speed of 299,792,458 m/s, light can travel from the Earth to the Moon in 1.2 seconds?
Did you know 2

- ... that Femto satellites are the smallest types of satellites, and the Kalam SAT is one of the smallest Femto satellite ever made?
Did you know 3

- ... that Aristotle's ideas of physics held that because an object could not move without an immediate source of energy, arrows created a vacuum behind them that pushed them through the air.
- ... that there are up to 6 candidates for the Theory of everything, minus String theory and Loop quantum gravity?
Did you know 4
- ... that nuclear fusion reactions are probably occurring at or above the sun's photosphere; it is a process called solar surface fusion.
- ... that the submarine telescope ANTARES, intended to detect neutrinos, may also be used to observe bioluminescent plankton and fish?
- ... that a touch flash releases about a billion photons a second far less than produced in a particle accelerator?
Did you know 5

- ... the mirage of astronomical objects is an optical phenomenon, which produces distorted or multiple images of astronomical objects such as the Sun, the Moon, the planets, bright stars and very bright comets
- ... that your watch would run slower when orbiting a black hole than it would on Earth?
- ... that homing pigeons wouldn't be able to navigate on Mercury because the planet has no magnetic field or atmosphere?
Did you know 6

- ... that it is estimated that The Sun burns around 620 million metric tons of Hydrogen per second into 616 million metric tons of Helium?
- ... that the Big Bang was secured as the best theory for the origin of the universe by the discovery of the cosmic microwave background radiation in 1964?
- ... that neutron stars are so dense (10¹⁷ kg/m³) that a teaspoonful (5 mL) would have ten times the mass of the total human population?
Did you know 7

- ... that lasers can be used to separate two isotopes very efficiently?
- ... that your feet are slightly younger than your head, because time runs slow at a lower Gravitational Potential. This is a consequence of Gravitational Time Dilation
- ...that Max Planck created a system of measurement based solely on natural units?
Did you know 8

- ...that while Albert Einstein is most famous for his Theory of Relativity, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for his explanation of the photoelectric effect?
- ...that gravitational tidal accelerations are the result of the curvature of spacetime?
- ...that the blue glow of the Cherenkov effect is due to electrons moving faster than the speed of light in water?
Did you know 9

- ...that if you ever saw Jupiter's magnetic field from Earth, it would appear five times larger than the full moon?
- ...that the impact of a raindrop would be fatal if not for the property of fluid flow known as terminal velocity?
- ...that transits of Venus occur in a 243-year cycle?
Did you know 10
Portal:Physics/Did you know/10

- ...that on November 2009, CERN's Large Hadron Collider became the world's highest energy particle accelerator?
- ...that 2005 was endorsed by the United Nations as the World Year of Physics?
Did you know 11
Portal:Physics/Did you know/11

- ...that Isaac Newton originally defined force as the rate of change of momentum with respect to time?
Did you know 12
Portal:Physics/Did you know/12

- ... that Virendra Singh delivered the inaugural Homi Bhabha exchange lecture of the Institute of Physics and Indian Physics Association in 2000?
- ... that Leiden Law School is housed in the former laboratory of Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, a physicist and Nobel laureate?
Did you know 13
Did you know 14
Did you know 15
Did you know 16
Did you know 17
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Did you know 19
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Did you know 21
Did you know 22
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